Learning to Fly For those who want to learn to fly, there may be a way to get their wings. Comal ISD offers Aviation Technology classes as part of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program at Canyon and Davenport High Schools.
Students Learn Life Lessons from One Another Teachers and parents are always looking for those teachable moments to share with their children from daily interactions and experiences to learning how to win and lose with dignity and grace. One of those moments took place during the finals of this year's Comal Shake competition.
Comal ISD Welcomes Pieper High School's First Band Director The Pieper High School Warriors are excited to welcome Evan Berry as the school's first band director. Welcome to Comal ISD!
Celebrating Educational Diagnosticians Week This week is Texas Educational Diagnosticians Week, and the perfect time to highlight their role in special education.
District Maintenance Staff Works Behind the Scenes Superman has nothing on the maintenance staff at Comal ISD. These are the professionals called on when the air conditioner isn't working or an office needs painting. They are also the ones who are on-call during severe storms to assess damages and make repairs.
Smart Business Many of the vocational classes offered today at high schools are not your typical electives. Comal ISD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, like the Business, Marketing and Finance program at Smithson Valley and other high schools, are part of a multi-faceted, modern curriculum that provides students with the technical knowledge and real-world skills they need to get started in a current or emerging profession.
Students Discover Passions, Careers with Comal Compass As students enter middle school, they begin to put their future dreams into action. The question of, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" begins to take shape. By the time they enter high school, they are provided opportunities to "try out" those dreams. Comal Compass is Comal ISD's program that gives those dreams direction and more.
Tap the Skyward App for Your Child's Academic Information Comal ISD just launched the Skyward Mobile Access App. Now, parents have access to their child's academic information at their fingertips.